Rabu, 02 September 2015

Wanna knows me? ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Bertya Salama Mentari. Salma. 

Sometimes it is hard to introduce urself because you know urself so well that you do not know where to start with. Let me give a try to see what kind of image you have about me through my self-description. I hope that my impression about myself and your impression about me are not so different. Here it goes!

Rabu, 22 Juli 2015

Thank You for Loving Me Unconditionally

Bukannya gimana gimana, tapi aku emang orangnya huggable & respect ke orang, apalagi ke orang yang deket sama aku. Hal nyakitin itu kalo belajar cuek ke orang yg acuh gitu, but fail terus Jadi aku seneng banget kalo ada orang itu bisa huggable & respect juga ke aku waktu aku up maupun down, kaya biasanya aku ke mereka. Tanpa aku minta. Iyalah -respect- kan gabisa diminta, cuma dateng dari dirinya sendiri aja sih. Okay responnya, "Not all people should do what you do too kan?" Hehe.

Jumat, 01 Mei 2015

High School

“When I think about my high school experience, there are many things that come to mind. Some of them are: good memories, bad memories, mistakes, lessons, happiness, heartbreak, misfortune, joy, drama, and most importantly, fun. High School to me seemed like it past by really fast, almost too fast sometimes.”
Kegilaan yang begitu mengharukan. Karena saat bahagia yang mendekati akhir. Selalu saja kita sangat dekat di saat saat terakhir. Selalu lebih kompak di saat saat terakhir. Tau kenapa setiap kenangan itu terasa manis dan indah? Karena dia tidak terulang lagi dan itu membuatnya menjadi berarti. Dan soal perpisahan, perpisahan bisa jadi seperti pertemuan yang sangat berarti. Terimakasih untuk sahabat sahabat terbaikku di masa SMA. Dimanapun kita nanti, sejauh apapun, tetep inget, kalau kita pernah sedekat ini dan pernah sebahagia ini.

Rabu, 22 April 2015

Kamu suka ngrasa kesepian kayak nggak punya siapa siapa nggak?

Ya udah terusin aja kalau pengen lari sejauh jauhnya terusin aja lihat depan terus, nggak usah nengok lagi, ya. Soalnya aku udah nggak ada di belakang kamu. Kamu nggak nanya aku kenapa kan?

Hellaaaw! Lagi iseng pengen blogging nih, maklumlah ya lagi nganggur nungguin kelulusan haha #ecieeecalonmaba

Balik ke topik awal yup. Pernah ngrasain capek padahal nggak ngapa-ngapain, pengen nangis tapi nggak tau apa yg ditangisin, ngrasa sendiri padahal rame, pernah?

Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud"

The problem with people like me is that we care too much.

We break our hearts into pieces and give them away, until they are all gone. And we try to live with the broken hearts and broken souls we are left with.
We sacrifice our own happiness to make others smile. But in the process we lose ourselves.
We extinguish the sparks in our eyes and the fire in our bellies in order to fuel the dreams of others.
We are the people who laugh at the end of every sentence and place a smiley face at the end of every text, to make sure our friends don’t think we are mad when we say “I need to go.”
We are the people with loud thoughts and quiet voices, refusing to speak our minds at the fear of hurting another’s feelings.
We are the people who would give our own life to save a stranger.
The words ‘I’m sorry’ have a home on our lips. Always ready to apologize for something we never did. Because to us, an apology is better than losing the people we care all too much for. The problem with people like me is that we care too much. And the problem with people like me is that, deep down, we really don’t care at all.
We spend all our energy breaking our hearts into pieces and scraping our knees and extinguishing the sparks in our eyes to make other people happy that there is nothing left for ourselves. And when it comes down to it, we really don’t care what happens to us.
So long as everyone else is happy. We care too much about others. And we don’t care about ourselves at all.